Professor Ian Reaney returned to the University of Aveiro this September for 2 weeks to continue discussions on energy efficiency and decarbonisation in the ceramics Industry.

During his stay, Professor Reaney was welcomed by Porcelanas da Costa Verde, S.A, Cerisol – Isoladores Cerâmicos S.A. and Revigrés – Revestimentos e Pavimentos Cerâmicos and visited the Technological Center for Ceramics and Glass (CTCV) in Coimbra. He shared with these companies and organisations aspects of best practice from the UK materials sector.

Part of the visit also included a meeting with the board of the Center for Coordination and Regional Development (CCDR C) in Coimbra to discuss the potential of creating a network in Portugal to assist the ceramic industries to remain competitive whilst simultaneously facing challenges from environmental legislation and the drive towards net-zero carbon 2050.

Professor Reaney met Professor João Coutinho, the director of CICECO – Aveiro Materials Institute and Professor Rui Silva, the director of the Department of Materials and Ceramics Engineering of the University of Aveiro, for discussions on energy efficiency and decarbonisation of the Portuguese ceramics industry.

Professor Reaney has a long collaboration with Professor Paula Vilarinho and the University of Aveiro and also presented his research on Cold Sintering of Advanced Ceramics and Glass.